Specializing in Fluid Mechanics

Services Offered*

  • Work in biomedical, marine, environmental and defense industries
  • Part time or short term contracts and individual reporting to engineering companies
  • Remote or on-site services including facility for limited testing
  • Engineering analysis, CFD, experimentation, modelling, reporting and testing

*Services are not possible without suitable P. Eng supervision, and are not being offered directly to the public.

Case Studies

Graduate Research Thesis
To determine hydrodynamic coefficients of a submerged toweable body   Research in progress


Graduate Course Project
Biomechanics of the Muskuloskeletal System

The Quadriceps Femoris muscle group is often strained in a gliding hockey turn. If the forces are too high, the body will not be able to maintain posture. In this study a two dimensional model of the significant forces and moments is used to estimate the stability of the joints. By defining the physiological cross sectional area (PCSA) and the degree of contraction and associated moment arms of the muscles a system of linear equations are obtained and solved in an effort to predict the forces. For further details, download the presentation

Graduate Course Project
Computational Fluid Dynamics

The degree to which respiratory ventilation efficiency is affected by the flow field in the alveolar ducts in the lung peripherals is not well understood. The physical problem is a complex set of moving geometry, transport phenomena, and heat transfer steady state solutions to simplified geometry have been obtained using Ansys 12.0 and are presented in the report titled Model of Airflow in Upper Acinar Region of Human Lung. A copy of the presentation is downloadable here.

Graduate Course Project
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering

The most important objective of artificial blood vessel design is to reproduce the endothelial cell lining of native vessels. Designs are limited because of inefficiency or insufficiency. Research and developement has led to tissue engineered cardiovascular vessel grafts (TECVGs). Different technologies such as decellularized tissues, synthetic polymer scaffolds, cell sheets, and hydrogels or biopolymer scaffolds are currently being researched. Artificial vessel regeneration project (AVRP) is a preliminary proposal to investigate the possibility of scaffolding degrading into native structure producing tissue in-vivo out of a functioning artificial vessel. For complete details, download the course paper.